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PSiO 3.0 Enterprise Module
Do you dream of a recovery room in your company or in your hospital / nursing home? Psychomed has developed the PSiO Enterprise modules concept !
What is it ?
A module offers a PSiO seat specially reinforced to be comfortable. The armrests are filled with specific foam for optimum relaxation. Removable for cleaning, seats are also PSiO foldable and easily portable if necessary. The concept provides an explicit unwind to be able to answer the choice of the users: you can choose three types of sessions :
- Meditation
- Power naps
- Relaxation
Each unwrap explains the content and effect of this type of session. Depending on their needs, the user can therefore make a quick choice and orient his recovery approach according to his needs of the moment. The concept is developed to require no stewardship. The PSiO is soldered to the power cable to prevent from theft. A three-level service is included for storage of the cover, sanitary covers, PSiO Noisebuster Headphones and PSiO glasses.
Content of a PSiO Corporate Module
- 1 pair of PSiO 3.0 glasses
- 1 PSiO seat
- 1 roll-up
- 1 server for hardware
- 1 cover PSiO for relaxation
- 1 PSiO Noisebuster Headphones
- 200 pairs of covers for headphones
- 1 pair of earphones
- 1 USB 100-240V power adaptor
- 1 electrical power strip
- 1 USB cable with 1,5m extension
- 1 anti-theft system
Offered with the module
- 1 personnalized visor
- 5 PSiO magazines
- Internal configuration service
- 1 personal Training Service (1/2 day) required.
- 1 follow up after 3 months
- 1 follow up after 6 months
- Luxurious anti-gravity seat
In the purchase price is included the customer follow-up: good handling of the product, satisfaction of the new user & follow-up during 30 days after the reception of the product.
The programs of the 3 modules PSiO Enterprise
1. Meditation Module
8 meditation programs included.
- Absorb vital energy
- Develop your intuition by letting go
- Integrate success
- Make luck happen
- Radiate Love
- Improve the financial side of your life
- Improve your strategy for influencing people
- Develop your self-confidence
2. Power naps Module
17 power naps programs included.
- Relax 15 min.
- Relax 15 min. Photo.
- Relax 20 min.
- Relax 20 min Photo.Seashore
- Dynamiser
- High Resolution
- Memostar
- Nitroglycerin
- Energy source
- Break
- Creativity
- Eureka
- Data Processing
- Comprehension
- Latin Jazz Mix
- Claude Challe Mix
3. Relaxation Module
11 relaxation programs included.
- Letting Go
- Free One’s Mind
- Stress Management
- Digestion of the Traumas
- Joy of Life
- Managing Stress After a Separation
- Lose Weight
- Table Yoga
- Respi-Relaxation
- Digestion of the Traumas
- Stress Management for Headaches