Our technologies can be used to replace or reduce painkillers and sedatives that are normally administered alongside local or loco-regional anaesthesia to counter stress during surgery. The AUDIO-MEDECINE® series is ideally suited for people about to undergo painful examinations with uncertain diagnosis, expectant mothers, people suffering from anxiety-driven sleep disorders and people with heart, gastric or respiratory problems. And this list is by no means exhaustive!
Preventive medicine clinics in Belgian Ministries have already added our techniques to their therapeutic protocol.
Since 1990, AUDIO-MEDECINE® has been widely used in hospitals in Europe and abroad (Asia, U.S., Latin America, etc.).

Examples of results in hospital settings:
Recovery Rooms
In July 1994, our technologies were used in the recovery room of a university hospital in Brussels. 94% of the patients asked for more! Given the excellent results, spending on relaxation equipment doubled in December 1994, only six months after the initial purchase. "Some of the postoperative pain and complications are directly caused by anxiety," reports the head doctor! The rate of vomiting, which used to be 35% to 40% on average, fell to 12%! Heart-related complications went from 14.4% to 2.3% and respiratory complications dropped from 6% to 0.3%! All things considered, 25% of the patients suffer less!"
(Vif l'Express, 4 November 1994 issue) |
Sleep Laboratory
AUDIO-MEDECINE® has been used to treat sleep disorders. It is an excellent tool for sleep laboratories because it allows patients to empty their minds and gently fall asleep.
(Sleep Laboratory, Dr.
H., Brussels University's Hospital)
Locoregional Anaesthesia
"In 1989, Dr. Diebold (surgeon) and Dr. Litchinko (anaesthetist) were the very first to introduce our anti-stress technologies in surgery. Their experience covers over 10,000 operations where 96% of the patients enthusiastically embraced the technique. As a result, lower doses of analgesics and sedatives were needed alongside anaesthesia. In some cases, they were not needed at all!" (RTL TOP SANTE February 1994). Dr. Lisoir and Dr. Litchinko have designed three AUDIO-MEDECINE® recordings to be listened to before, during and after the operation. "There has been a general level of satisfaction:
- Patients feel good before, during and after the operation.
- Surgeons can operate without being disturbed by sudden movements caused by patients' discomfort.
- The anaesthetist contributes to patient well-being by reducing the doses of toxic drugs. He enriches the therapeutic relationship before and during the operation.
- Hospital stays are shorter because patients experience fewer postoperative complications.
(Dr. Litchinko "SAVOIR PLUS SANTE", a T.V. program by André Decloset, France2, 1995) |
"With AUDIO-MEDECINE® technologies, the patient's attention is distracted from the dental act. Time seems to go by faster and there is less anxiety and pain. The dentist can also work without worrying about patient scrutiny."
(Dentist L., Brussels (Report on 55 patients, May 1995)
Preventive Medicine
"AUDIO-MEDECINE® is an excellent anti-stress tool. Patients are satisfied and regularly practice this type of relaxation to defuse chronic stress."
(Dr. G. head of the preventive medicine clinic of a Belgian Ministry, Portuguese Radio Television, April 1995)
Audio relaxation tools, can under no circumstances, replace a medical or psychological treatment, but can be used to compliment and provide a non personalized psychological aid at home. |