Dr. Patrick Lemoine - The PSiO in sleep labs
Excerpt from the book « Dormir sans médicaments… ou presque » (translation : « Sleeping without drugs… or almost ») (Laffont edition) Dr. Patrick Lemoine :
Glasses to sleep and wake up
I will put aside this particular device whose purpose is not to monitor but to heal. Indeed, I have a special experience so I can testify to its eff ectiveness. First I experimented the PSiO® system on myself to resynchronize myself at my return from China. Indeed I am a morning person and am Chronorigid so I have great diffi culty with regulating my jet lag. I found those glasses so interesting that I began to prescribe them to my worst insomniac patients, and sometimes with surprising results. Some of my colleagues consider this device as a simple gadget but in my opinion, they are wrong. In fact, this system combines several approaches through a number of programs to relax, wake up, and also boost you energy. It is at fi rst a powerful distractor of one’s attention : lights, shapes, more or less psychedelic, which we can experiment with eyes open or closed, then sounds, music and especially texts allow to induce a loss of control, that is called « letting go », a state conducive to sleep. Judge for yourself : a very soft female voice in the earphone of the right ear tells a story; soon after, a gentle male voice is heard to tell a diff erent story
in the left ear also. Th e subject tries to follow both stories simultaneously, which requires a lot of concentration and is not possible, and after a while, when you think you are following both stories, both earphones are reversed and there… it is hard not to fall asleep ! Personally, I have never managed to go all the way… it is a little frustrating not to know the end of the story but it’s so nice to fall asleep in this way ! Some of the programs wake you up and energize, while others off er very sophisticated relaxation exercises with muscle exercises. Th ere are also others closer to hypnosis. In short, the system is very rich and varied and it changed the way I treat my most severely aff ected patients. In my view, it is more than a simple gadget. I would rather refer to it as a portable device to indulge in meditation, cognitive behavior, relaxation, self-hypnosis, and more..
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