How to choose the sessions that are right for you
Morning Sessions (Positive Views)

They allow you to wake up more efficiently thanks to the light and start the day in great shape thanks to the positive visualization practiced with your PSiO. These sessions are globally enriched with blue light to inhibit melatonin, the hormone associated with sleep. This is why they are suitable for the morning.
In this section, you will find two sets of recordings:
Nova Era
The "Nova Era" series deals with personal development themes and consists of a rather long meditation during which the theme is actively treated in a state of high attention. The integrative phase is extended by a music session and should be listened to lying down if possible in order to better let go during this second phase (pulsation at the end in integration mode).
Double You
This series also deals with personal development themes. Integration in conscious mode is carried out in a seated or semi-seated manner, with high attention and allows the cortex to soak up in a structured way the new information that will have a direct impact on your quality of life. The reality depends on how you perceive it. If you are serene and take a positive view of things, your reality will simply be improved if not transformed!
Integration in the subconscious mode is achieved by lying down, letting go of attention and allowing the emotional brain to integrate this information into a "meta-level" in pictorial, symbolic and metaphorical form. The adoption of this modified state of consciousness induces at the same time an optimization of the memory procedures including the procedures worked during the first sitting session.
What is radically NEW in this approach is that the second PHASE (the letting go of the attention) is greatly facilitated by the mental effort achieved during PHASE 1 (high attention). This paradoxical progression has been made in no technique known to date. Now, like a muscle that relaxes better after its maximum contraction, the mind opens better to letting go after a period in very high sustained concentration!
Through this double integration, we practice a positive and deep anchoring of this new mental attitude.
Afternoon sessions (music)

True Power Naps, they allow a recovery break in music while stimulating the spirit. Result : energizing!
Two types of Power Naps are offered: sessions of 5 to 10 min & sessions of 15 to 40 min.
Short Power Naps (5 to 10 min.)
In this section you will find music recordings of various styles :
- New age : soft music made from long tablecloths to synthesizer.
- Latin jazz : the music of Joyce Cooling, a Californian guitarist / vocalist largely inspired by Lee Ritenour and Bob James.
- Lounge : the music of Claude Challe, well-known Parisian celebrity, designer of the famous label Buddha Bar.
Depending on the rhythm, the effect will be more or less energizing.
Long Power Naps (15 to 40 minutes)
- Music PRO : these are "new age" music sessions designed for professionals; They are adapted to their care sessions and vary in time: 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 45 min, 60 min.
- Electro Music & Beats : These are electronic music sessions of 15 min to 40 min which are stocked with beats on certain frequencies calibrated to drive an additional effect. The titles of the sessions indicate the desired effect.
Evening sessions (relaxing voices)

The pulsed colors associated with voices and music stop the overflow of thoughts and naturally put the mind to rest. It is the ideal alternative to sleeping pills. All these sessions are mainly red or colored in red tones or mixing colors mainly associated with red. Indeed, the red color does not alter in any way the secretion of melatonin (unlike blue). Unlike the sessions designed for the morning, we can then fall asleep.
These sessions are also called "AUDIOCEUTICALS". The texts are designed by specialized doctors and physiotherapists. The techniques used are inspired by sophrology and indirect suggestion (see Dr. Erickson). These are deep relaxation sessions with several voices, often a woman's voice and a man's voice that follow one another and which at one time split into two different stories: one in the right ear and the other in the left ear. This promotes the letting go of the Cartesian mind which "naturally abandons" at this moment the listening to pass into the mode of simple "hearing" subconscious: you hear everything but you no longer listen to the positive messages in the form of metaphorical stories. According to themes, metaphorical stories are adapted.
It is possible to influence the automatic functions of the body by visualizing certain images. Example: visualizing to bite full teeth in a lemon cut in half automatically causes the activation of the salivary glands.
It has been proven that it is impossible not to visualize the evoked images. Example: Try not to see a pink elephant...
In the title "Stop Smoking" for example, the doctor who wrote the text tells the story of a person who has set a goal: to climb a mountain. At every step of the ascent, he can appreciate the beauty of the landscape and breathe the pure air of freedom from smoking. He frees himself as he makes this effort to achieve his goal...
Each theme has therefore been the subject of a series of adapted metaphors. It is a work that has spread over several years.
These records have been the subject of twenty years of relaxation in hospitals to help patients manage the stress of hospitalization: regional anesthesiology, recovery room, gastroscopy, sleep lab, dentistry, etc.
The examples are numerous and make it possible to affirm today that these recordings are effective to allay the multiple stress-related disorders. In general, doctors prescribe them in addition to medications. They do not replace them but complement them with the unique emotional dimension they can provide: empathy, gentleness, relaxation techniques and psychoacoustics: everything is good to bring about relaxation and return to nervous balance.
In Belgium, these registrations are available in physical CDs that can be delivered by the country's pharmacies/drugstores.
The Belgian Ministry of Health has seen fit to include information on this type of product in the General Practitioner’s (GP) manual.
The photosensitive titles resume certain existing sessions but in CONTINUOUS LIGHT (without blinking). Indeed, 7% of users do not appreciate the blinking (designed to facilitate the letting go of the mind). In addition, 0.3% of the population is epileptic. Flickering for people with epilepsy is totally contraindicated as it can cause a seizure. If blinking hinders you, use the photosensitive recordings that provide continuous light throughout the session. If you are epileptic, do not use the PSiO. If you are bothered by the blinking, it may be advisable to CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR.
NB: the storage in the morning, afternoon and evening sessions is of course a tip. You can practice any session at any time of the day and night. Be aware, however, that the effects are different, so using the PSiO in this photosensitive way is advisable.
Continuous light or pulsed light
The programs in "pulsed light" mode favor the stopping of brain chatter. They are therefore adapted in case of problems of sleep or stress. Continuous-light programs are more frequently used to combat seasonal depression.
Eyes open or closed?
Even with eyes closed, the light acts through the eyelids. It is however advisable to practice:
- In the morning: eyes opened, programs designed for waking up (voice-guided visualization).
- In the afternoon: opened or closed eyes, programs designed for a break / nap (music).
- In the evening: eyes closed, programs designed to be listened to in your bed, before sleeping (relaxing voices).
How to understand the PSiO effect in pulse mode?
Our mind is constantly transported through the areas of anticipation or memory, into spaces full of images and ideas that often come back in a loop. It is the rumination of thoughts, commonly known as brain chatter. Most of the time we are not there. We are not in the moment!
We are in the past or in the future but we forget the present... We forget the sensation of living, which should be omnipresent! This is often easier to say than to do, it is true. The PSiO nevertheless brings a very pragmatic solution to this problem. Let's see how!
Brain chatter stops, sensation wakes up in the moment
The PSiO irrevocably guides the mind through different states of attention. In most cases, what happens? The emitted sounds and lights quickly invade the auditory and visual sensory areas. The rumination stops automatically to leave room for contemplation of the colored visual scenes. In the case of short programs, attention is mainly directed not to memorized thoughts or areas of consciousness devoted to anticipation but to present-day audiovisual perceptions.
This is how music will be appreciated in a much deeper and more detailed way. Some will say that they "literally live the music".
Then, if the programs continue, the attention becomes floating and the mind is thus put to rest gradually then... radically! This is why the PSiO is still a tool of mental recovery and literally an undeniable energizing effect.
The longer the program, the more it directs the mind gradually towards the state of attention at rest. This particular state where one is still awake but one believes to be sleeping (but if someone speaks to you or touches your arm you realize and you do not sleep yet). It is the state of the mind where one still hears everything, but where one no longer listens... This is called "subconscious listening" (because the conscious does not filter messages anymore, the attention being no longer in action).
This state, also known as "sophroliminal" by sophrologists or "crepuscular condition" by others, is a state of attention where the mind only rarely stops, because in general it then sinks into sleep.
Thanks to the PSiO, the mind is then kept at the edge of sleep, but remains conscious. This state has particularly interesting properties: it is known as favorable to suggestion, the mind being more permeable, it is also known as very recovering because in this state the mind and attention are completely at rest. But attention requires considerable energy. To put it to rest thus induces a return to energy on the mental plane. We feel recharged...
Reaching this condition is therefore appreciated for all those who are looking for a quick and effective recovery, such as nurses working at night, pilots in jet lag, students in exam period or simply business men and women who are stressed out by their harassing work.
Letting go
How does the PSiO act to be so effective? The PSiO simply uses certain frequencies of sounds and pulsed lights (which have been studied in electroencephalography) with an astonishing power of distraction, to train your mind in levels of consciousness usually untamed! For example, it is difficult simply by the will to let go, meaning to relax the level of attention. Thanks to the PSiO it has become a child's play!
Another example is to position oneself at the border of sleep without falling into it irretrievably. With the PSiO (on some programs like those of the categories for the evening), you are taken to the edge of the sleep and you stay as much time as the suggestions or the program simply keeps you there.
References : the PSiO has been used in extreme stress environments
In hospitals, this technique has been used since 1994 to allow surgeons to operate without intravenous sedation for the duration of an operation under locoregional anesthesia.
As the popular saying goes, "who can do the most, can the least"! You can therefore benefit equally effectively from the virtues of the PSiO for a simple private use (as an anchor by the voice with evoked images and positive suggestions for your Deep Being).
PSiO & Audioceuticals
The PSiO uses 2 modes of combined actions:
- Relaxation by voice
- Beneficial exposure to light
- Before falling asleep
- Every day for three weeks and then
- Three times a week for two months and then
- Once a week for one month
- Then, whenever the need arises...
NB: it is possible to alternate different "audioceutical" programs without risk of negative interference
It is a matter of creating a positive anchoring conditioned by a regular listening.
After several listenings, the user hears the suggestions but does not listen to them carefully. Integration is optimal at this stage (maximum relaxation).
The PSiO glasses in bed
In general, at the end of the session or during the night, during a partial awakening, the user removes the glasses and puts it next to his bed.
Difference between pulsed and non-pulsed modes
The "audioceutical" programs in pulsed mode favor the induction of "LETTING GO" and stop brain chatter which will therefore be faster.
There are none apart for people suffering from epilepsy. For them, only "PHOTOSENSITIVE" programs must be used or generated in non-pulsed mode. |